Download Hashimoto Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books

By Kelley Salas on Saturday, May 25, 2019

Download Hashimoto Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books

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Download PDF Hashimoto Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books

What’s Really Going on in Hashimoto’s? Hashimoto's is more than just hypothyroidism. Most patients with Hashimoto's will present with acid reflux, nutrient deficiencies, anemia, intestinal permeability, food sensitivities, gum disorders and hypoglycemia in addition to the “typical” hypothyroid symptoms such as weight gain, cold intolerance, hair loss, fatigue and constipation. The body becomes stuck in a vicious cycle of immune system overload, adrenal insufficiency, gut dysbiosis, impaired digestion, inflammation, and thyroid hormone release abnormalities. This cycle is self-sustaining and will continue causing more and more symptoms until an external factor intervenes and breaks the cycle apart. The lifestyle interventions discussed in this book aim to dismantle the vicious cycle piece by piece. We start with the simplest modifications, by removing triggers, and follow with repairing the other broken systems to restore equilibrium, allowing the body to rebuild itself.

Download Hashimoto Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books

"When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 years ago, after having horrible symptoms for 2 years prior to that, I thought there was no hope for a healthy life again. I started researching and soon found out that most doctors do not do extensive lab testing and that most hypo patients have Hashi's, and that a positive antibodies test would confirm it. Less than 5 months ago I was tested for one of two antibodies (Dr. refused to test both) and that test came back high positive which meant Hashi's. I was even more devastated! Within a week I ordered this book, not expecting much but at least hoping to get on the right track with diet. I went gluten, dairy, and soy free immediately and soon lost 20lbs without trying after having tried for the past 4 years to no avail. I eventually went on a more strict version of the Paleo diet and started taking most of the supplements Dr. Wentz recommends. I just got my lab tests back today, I had both antibodies tested and both were negative! If you go from having antibodies to being negative for antibodies, that is considered remission, or disease reversal. You may still have to be on thyroid meds and you will always have Hashimotos, but that means your body is no longer attacking and destroying your thyroid gland and it is possible for the thyroid to return to normal function eventually. That is what I am striving for. This book literally saved my health and my life, and please be aware that you can go into remission from ANY and ALL autoimmune diseases, not just Hashis and the diet is the main thing that can help you do that."

Product details

  • Paperback 372 pages
  • Publisher Wentz LLC; 1st edition (May 31, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0615825796

Read Hashimoto Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books

Tags : Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books @ ,Izabella Wentz PharmD, Marta Nowosadzka MD,Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause,Wentz LLC,0615825796,2724344081232,Autoimmune thyroiditis,Autoimmune thyroiditis - Treatment,Autoimmune thyroiditis;Popular works.,Autoimmune thyroiditis;Treatment.,Hypothyroidism,Hypothyroidism - Treatment,Hypothyroidism;Popular works.,Consumer Health,Endocrinology Metabolism,GENERAL,Healing,Health Fitness,Health Fitness / Healing,Health/Fitness,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Medical/Endocrinology Metabolism,Non-Fiction,Popular medicine health,Popular works,Treatment,United States

Hashimoto Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews :

Hashimoto Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause 9780615825793 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews

  • This book has literally saved me MONTHS of research on my own. Dr. Wentz has created a wonderful resource not only for those suffering from Thyroidism, but frankly from ANY auto-immune disease. She has clear to follow explanations of how the thyroid functions, followed by chapter after chapter on how to heal. The best part of the book is her supplement guide, which includes not only what to take, but how it works, what is does, and what dosages are best.

    I don't know if my personal story will be helpful, but let me start by explaining what I learned on my own versus what I learned from this book.

    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, but normal thyroid hormone levels, despite having *all* of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. I saw three endocrinologists, three GPs, two neurologists, numerous chiropractors and massage therapists, two acupuncturists, and even a life coach and hypnotist (pretty much any health related professional whose bio suggested they might be able to help). I tried *everything*, and I mean everything, to get back on track but it just wasn't working until I found this book.

    This book introduced me to two concepts that were critical Functional medicine, and Hashimoto's Gluten sensitivity

    This led to several significant changes. I *fully* committed to being gluten free. No bread, no soy sauce, no tempura sushi, not even cookie dough ice cream. I scoured labels, googled everything I ate, and was generally an intolerable friend to go eat out with ;) But it worked. That was the first huge leap forward.

    The second came when I started looking for functional medicine doctors in Austin, TX and following the supplementation suggestions put forward in this book. I found Dr. Ben Anderson in Austin, TX who has been a life saver for me, and even for one of my friends now dealing with similar issues. I'd already been taking a mix of supplements, but he helped me find even better supplements that were attuned to my body. And he did hormone testing, which showed major adrenal fatigue.

    So, with a few tweaks, here's the final list of supplements I'm on (but I'm not a doctor so consult yours first!)

    Empty Stomach (AM)
    - Licorice drops
    - Probiotic
    - Saccharomyces Boulardii

    - Glutamine
    - Methyl B12 (my Dr suspects a MTHFR gene mutation; regular B12 wasn't helping but this works great)
    - NAC
    - Zinc (this was huge for me; gave me lots more energy)
    - Selenium

    - Magnesium
    - CoQ10
    - Probiotic
    - Fish Oil w/vitamin D

    Many of these don't have to be taken with food and the order could be switched up. This was just what worked for me based on balancing the load of how many things I was taking each time of day. I'd recommend chatting with your doctor about lab work for vitamin deficiencies and reading Dr. Wentz's supplement guide.

    Also, keep hunting for a functional medicine doctor in your area who charges reasonable prices. The first one I found got great reviews but their "autoimmune cure" package was $4k. Crazy! Several others weren't much better at $750 for a one hour consult. I found my doctor through a case study in the book "Why isn't my Brain Working." That book had lots of case studies with doctors from across the country, so you might start there if you are looking for a local functional medicine specialist.

    Good luck everyone!
  • I bought root cause about 8 months ago. I started following the protocol. My antibodies went from 1200 + down to under 100 since then and I'm taking lower and lower doses of my compounded meds and cytomel. My Dr is amazed. I'm thrilled! Thank you! Another great side affect is I've lost 47 lbs during that time as well.
  • When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 years ago, after having horrible symptoms for 2 years prior to that, I thought there was no hope for a healthy life again. I started researching and soon found out that most doctors do not do extensive lab testing and that most hypo patients have Hashi's, and that a positive antibodies test would confirm it. Less than 5 months ago I was tested for one of two antibodies (Dr. refused to test both) and that test came back high positive which meant Hashi's. I was even more devastated! Within a week I ordered this book, not expecting much but at least hoping to get on the right track with diet. I went gluten, dairy, and soy free immediately and soon lost 20lbs without trying after having tried for the past 4 years to no avail. I eventually went on a more strict version of the Paleo diet and started taking most of the supplements Dr. Wentz recommends. I just got my lab tests back today, I had both antibodies tested and both were negative! If you go from having antibodies to being negative for antibodies, that is considered remission, or disease reversal. You may still have to be on thyroid meds and you will always have Hashimotos, but that means your body is no longer attacking and destroying your thyroid gland and it is possible for the thyroid to return to normal function eventually. That is what I am striving for. This book literally saved my health and my life, and please be aware that you can go into remission from ANY and ALL autoimmune diseases, not just Hashis and the diet is the main thing that can help you do that.