Ebook BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore

By Kelley Salas on Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ebook BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore

Download As PDF : BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore

Download PDF BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore

“The most difficult thing about being misdiagnosed with a mental illness is the more you fight it, the crazier you seem.”

At the age of twenty-three, Kate Recore began to suffer from a common brain disease. Although signs pointed directly at epilepsy, her neurologists misdiagnosed her with mental illness. For almost a year, Kate struggled against her worsening mind-altering seizures without any medical help. She lost her memory of the past, and her dreams for the future.
After finally being tested and properly diagnosed, her journey through epilepsy began. Many years of failed drug therapies stretched before her. She battled against doctors who refused to consider the importance of their patient's quality of life, never changing course to help her manage her disease.
Finally finding a true caregiver, Kate became well again. With a new drug and a new place to call home, she learned to let go of who she was, and love who she is.
Misdiagnosis affects over twelve million people in the United State every year, and is considered the country's third-leading cause of death. While told against the backdrop of one patient's life, Brain Storm An Electrifying Journey resonates with anyone fighting the overpriced, inadequate American healthcare system. By fearlessly adding her voice to the demand for better care, Kate Recore hopes to blaze a trail for all patients calling for help, and needing to be heard.

“It seems inappropriate to call an autobiographical account of epilepsy and medical malfunction a page turner but, in fact, that is what BRAIN STORM is—a story that keeps you turning the pages. Kate Recore educates us on the reality of health insurance, doctoring, diagnosis, functional brain damage, epilepsy, and familial influence without losing the thread of her plot, a plot created from lived experience. You will read because it is interesting. You will learn because it is unavoidable. You will be inspired because you will be awakened. Don’t miss this one.”
~Dr. Lynette Louise (The Brain Broad – www.lynettelouise.com) award-winning neurotherapist, humanitarian, director, speaker, writer, brain-change expert, author of MIRACLES ARE MADE A Real-Life Guide to Autism

Ebook BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore

"This book was absolutely amazing. I couldn't stop reading it. It was truly a page turner, and I also learned so much about epilepsy and how the brain works. So fascinating. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to learn about how our brains work or just looking for a great read. Amazing amazing story of resilience."

Product details

  • File Size 8897 KB
  • Print Length 162 pages
  • Publisher Robert D. Reed Publishers (March 12, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 12, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore

Tags : BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey - edition by Kate Recore. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey.,ebook,Kate Recore,BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey,Robert D. Reed Publishers,Biography Autobiography / Medical,Health Fitness / Diseases / Nervous System

BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore Reviews :

BRAIN STORM An Electrifying Journey eBook Kate Recore Reviews

  • Wow! What a fantastic, fast-paced and engaging book. I truly could not put it down and finished it in one day. Kate does a beautiful job describing her long and difficult journey through developing epilepsy and being let down by the medical system. She is a gifted and witty writer who turns material that might initially sound dry, into a page-turner. A must-read!
  • Anyone who has ever struggled with misdiagnosis, or even if you haven't, should read the author's story. It could save your life.
  • Highly recommend this book. So well written, I love how Kate descriptively paints her words, found it totally engaging and couldn't put it down! Reminds me of My Stroke of Insite by Jill Bolte Taylor.
  • A beautifully written book. An important read about epilepsy and misdiagnosis. I couldn’t put it down.
  • I met Kate at a local book signing. I bought the book because she seemed like a very interesting woman. As I read thru the book, page after page, I was in awe that this woman went thru this long ordeal just to be diagnosed! And then her uphill battles with medical professionals and the side effects of the many medications she took.

    This is a must read for women. I’m m going to have my teen age daughters read the book, just so they know that they can stand up to a medical professional if they feel they are not being taken seriously. It also helps those of us who have never suffered a seizure to know what it is like. I also liked how she was able to weave education and her story in an flowing, easy to follow manner.
  • I found this book extremely interesting and informative on such an unknown subject. I have known two people in my life for quite some time with epilepsy and prior to them I was under the simple understanding that it was some type of "disease". The truth is so much farther from that and the unknown is so scary for people that suffer from this dreaded condition. I applaud the courage of this woman to share her amazing story and believe this book is a wonderful read with wit and insight that we all need in our lives. Its worth the price and you should have your entire family read it to help better understand some of the unknown!
  • This book was absolutely amazing. I couldn't stop reading it. It was truly a page turner, and I also learned so much about epilepsy and how the brain works. So fascinating. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to learn about how our brains work or just looking for a great read. Amazing amazing story of resilience.
  • This book is amazing and completely was for me to read! I am only half way through and It is so nice to read about a women who has went through the same things as I have with my epilepsy. I had found out about the book through my mom who actually hired her husband to fix her garage doors and he had told her about the book and my mom immediately bought one from him. Her epilepsy started the same age as mine started and happened all the ways she explains! This is an amazing book!!